Contemporary Dance in Brighton

These classes are for learning Contemporary dance in a group setting for age 16+.

Contemporary dance is often described as dance in its rawest form. With its emphasis on individuality, the style encourages dancers to channel their experiences and emotions into their performances.
My dance school sees contemporary dance as a transformative journey, empowering students to discover the boundless possibilities within the realm of movement and self-discovery.
Through contemporary classes, I aim to develop your understanding of fundamental techniques underpinning all dance, as well as how to correctly use your body. Through choreographed phrases and technical practice, further developments in balance, posture, and physical and mental resilience are focused on.

Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Classes

Dancing is for everyone. Whether you dance every day or have never danced before, there’s never a wrong moment to take to the floor. I offer classes at varying levels, so you can find the one that’s right for you.

Advanced - adult dancers

These classes are full of energy, fast-paced technically challenging choreography and quick learning.
Previous dance experience at intermediate level is required for you to get the most from this class. If you have no further experience, why not try my Beginner or Inter class?

Intermediate - adult dancers

These classes are similar to Adv but with fewer technical notes and shorter sequences to give more time for learning.
Previous dance experience is required for you to get the most from this class.

Beginner - adult movers

These classes are a simplified version of Inter, to give time for learning and focusing on enjoying the flow of movement.
Some previous dance experience is always good, but not necessary.

Intention and Impact

Contemporary dance wouldn’t be the same without feeling and imagery. Even through choreographed routines, the way you move differs depending on what you want to express, and the intention behind your dancing. I teach you to be in control, training with technical knowledge to give you the confidence to interpret the meaning behind the dance.


"I would 100% recommend coming to this class! Such a safe and friendly environment was created and I had so much fun!"

What a class looks like

All classes start the same, with a small floor warm up and muscle engaging to prepare your body. The main section of the class may include a mix of choreographed phrases, corner travelling exercises, technique, and introduction to different Contemporary styles, depending on the level of class. Each session closes with a group cool down, stretch and relaxation.

I strive for my classes to be open, safe spaces for fun, fitness, learning and connection between each other, mind and body. I facilitate these classes for you, I offering movement, ideas and technique for you to take what you wish.

All classes are made as accessible as possible, discussing and deciding together upon variations and adaptations of the phrases and movement, to reach what works best for you. Please inform me beforehand or at the beginning of the class, if there is any appropriate support I can provide you, or during the class for any adaptations needed, so you can receive an enjoyable experience.

Slide Your Way To A Contemporary Dance Class in Brighton

Debating it? Here at my school, we dance loud, proud and freely, and we want you to be a part of the family. Come join us, trying your first class for free when you sign up! 

Phone: 07716941953 Email:

By attending Krifdom Dance’s classes or workshops, you agree to take care of yourself. Please tell Nathan immediately if any movements do not feel right for your body. You are expected to take responsibility for your own safety and Nathan is not liable for any injury before, during, or after the class. Please do not attend if you have an existing injury that could be worsened by taking part. If you do attend with an injury, it is essential that you inform Nathan at the beginning of the class.
At no point during a class will anyone pick up and throw another student through the air. If this does take place, then any injury incurred is the full responsibility of the participants and Krifdom Dance is not liable.
All under 18’s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Read in full here.