These workshops can range from beginner to pro level (check individual workshop descriptions)
In these fun and exciting workshops, we learn the basics of floor-work dance right through to full phrases.

What is Floor-Work?

Floor-Work is a style of dancing based on the floor. This style is all about relaxing to the floor, using is as a support and dance partner. While on the floor, we use movements such as lying down, rolling, kneeling, hands and feet, and cartwheel inversions (putting weight into the hands and going upside down), with occasional elevation to standing.
Techniques such as breath, core isolation, connection to the floor, flow and spirals are some of the fundamentals used in Floor-Work. These are taught in Beginner Workshops and built upon to form full phrases of flowing, expansive, exciting dance.

Interested in trying it out!? See the timetable of upcoming workshops here:

Beginner Floor-Based Classes

My beginner floor-based classes teach the basics of floorwork with a focus on embodying the understanding of what muscles are used to perform movements. During these sessions, time is given for looking inward, feeling your body’s movement and creating connections between muscles in our mind’s eye. This leads to a more fulfilling dance experience, with greater dynamic range, flow through movement and safety.

Intermediate Floor

Expect lots of energetic twisting, rolling, contraction and breath. Basic Floor technique, relevant to the sequence we will be doing, will be taught as we go. Previous floor work experience is advised for this class, especially my Beginner classes as these will teach you the fundamental techniques you need.

Personally, I find Floor-Work to be one of my favorite Contemporary styles, as it is amazing the stuff you can do when lower to the ground, and surprisingly easily when you have embodied the basics!
Nathan Krifdom

By attending Krifdom Dance’s classes or workshops, you agree to take care of yourself. Please tell Nathan immediately if any movements do not feel right for your body. You are expected to take responsibility for your own safety and Nathan is not liable for any injury before, during, or after the class. Please do not attend if you have an existing injury that could be worsened by taking part. If you do attend with an injury, it is essential that you inform Nathan at the beginning of the class.
At no point during a class will anyone pick up and throw another student through the air. If this does take place, then any injury incurred is the full responsibility of the participants and Krifdom Dance is not liable.
All under 18’s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Read in full here.

If you will be taking part in a wheelchair, or have joint problems and find lying/moving on hard surfaces painful, or getting up and down off the floor difficult, please be aware that these workshops may not be as enjoyable as others, due to the nature of the movement being based on the floor. However, if you can join us on the floor, suitable adaptations can be given.