These workshops are for adult movers, of any level, to learn techniques used by choreographers to create movement phrases for performance, video, classes and more...

What a Choreographic Session looks like

Similar to my Improvisation Sessions, this is a facilitated session, with more structure, focusing on learning choreographic techniques and exercises, which you will use to create movement and phrases, by yourself or in groups, which will then be shared with the class at the end of each session.

This class is an opportunity to learn new choreographing skills and build on the ones you already have. This class can be used like a resource for dancers, dance artists and choreographers, as a community creative/division time. Non-professionals may attend to enjoy being immersed in the experience of “behind the scenes” creative process.

All classes are made as accessible as possible. This is a creative session, the movement should be fully accessible as it is largely created by you.

Please inform me beforehand or at the beginning of the class, if there is any appropriate support I can provide you, or during the class for any adaptations needed, so you can receive an enjoyable experience. 

By attending Krifdom Dance’s classes or workshops, you agree to take care of yourself. Please tell Nathan immediately if any movements do not feel right for your body. You are expected to take responsibility for your own safety and Nathan is not liable for any injury before, during, or after the class. Please do not attend if you have an existing injury that could be worsened by taking part. If you do attend with an injury, it is essential that you inform Nathan at the beginning of the class.
At no point during a class will anyone pick up and throw another student through the air. If this does take place, then any injury incurred is the full responsibility of the participants and Krifdom Dance is not liable.
All under 18’s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Read in full here.