dappled & flecked
bright oranges & almost whites
great beams across the space
touching surface, touching skin
rising and setting, guided by the cycle
the pace and sense of time
in this time of prevalent distance
we rely on the suns warm embrace for closeness
we dance with the sun's touch
a duet with our shadows
the sun moves us all, unites us
brings us closer
during bizarre times this film was created as a gentle invite to notice detail, be creative and soak up the suns goodness
a distant collaboration which sees the embrace of the sun across the uk, from sunrise to sunset we found moments, snippets of beauty
thank you to everyone involved, the suns touch on your skin is my hug to you
director and producer: Sofie Parsons
film and movement: Nathan Krifdom, Grace Newman, Charlotte Mereli, Sofie Parsons, Kiera Sanderson, Chrissy Warren.
assistant editor: Olivia Black
music: Barnaby Fryer