Questionnaire for classes 2025. Play Pause Unmute Mute Receive 50% off cart total when signing up for mailing list at bottom of questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.What days of the week in Worthing work best for regular dance classes for you? *MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayPlease specify what times of day for the days of the week selected above *What regular adult dance classes would you like? Select all that apply *Beginner DanceIntermediate DanceAdvanced/Pro DanceDance TechniqueBeginner Ballet BarreFloor-WorkImprovisationOther (specify below)OtherHow would you prefer to book? Select all that apply *One class at a timeBlocks of four classes (with discount compared to booking a class at a time)Booking by term e.g. Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter (with discount compaired to booking a class at a time)Monthly subscription, allowing you to attend any/all classes/workshopsWould only being able to block book encourage you to attend regularly, or put you off booking due to commitment and spending more money? *Encourage me to attend regularlyPut me off booking altogetherI would attend regularly if I could book a class at a timeI would like both optionsAnything else you would like to add?Get a discount of 50% off your cart total for classes/workshops in Jan, Feb, March 2025! Sign up for the mailing list to be notified of upcoming classes and workshops in Brighton and Worthing. Please fill out the information below. (emails sent out about twice a month, no spamming!NameFirstLastEmailEmailConfirm EmailContact numberSubmit