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Expressive Dance Classes in Brighton

Krifdom Teaching Dance is a colourful place. It’s vibrant and lively. I teach and train with passion, creating an environment that’s full of authenticity. I’m always ready to dance my way to feeling good through the sense of joy I know dance brings, and I wish to share this with everyone through my teaching, classes and approach.


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Feeling, Flow & Intention

Contemporary movement is textured with motif, intention, flow, gesture and alignment. My artistic interests are the connection between the mind and body of the dancer, and how energy, emotion and intention influence movement.


I would 100% recommend coming to this class! Such a safe and friendly environment was created and I had so much fun!

Teaching at My Brighton Dance Academy

My aspiration as a school of art is to promote tutoring that values individuality, expanding of consciousness and sustainable healthy bodies. I actively support the giving-it-a-go approach, providing an immersive and safe space for you to comfortably perform in.


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Contemporary, Improvisation, Fitness, Tap dance…

Contemporary Dance For Everyone

My Brighton dance studio is inclusive, operating on a multi-hued approach that allows us to see the value in difference. I work with beginner, intermediate and advanced learners, creating classes that are inviting and accessible. Celebrating all types of movement through self-expression and exploration is a key part of Krifdom Dance’s ethos.

🔜 Upcoming Classes/Workshops 🔜

Floor-Work Basics Workshop, 20th July, 5-7pm, The Loft

Saturday 20th July, 5-7pm (2 hours) @ The Loft at Little Dippers
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£25.00 Save £15.00
Price incl. VAT (20%) £1.67
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Floor-Work Basics Workshop, 20th July, 5-7pm, The Loft
Product Details

This workshop is being run at a discounted rate to give more people the opportunity to get to know me and my teaching, as well as experience this floor-work workshop.


In this grounding and attentive workshop, we learn and embody the key fundamentals of floor-work;

Breathe, core, and relationship with the floor.

What is floor-work?

This style of dancing/moving is based on the floor, using rolling, sliding, turning and flowing in and out of the floor as a way of dancing. It is fun, exciting, and like a whole body massage and workout at the same time.

What happens in the workshop?

The workshop will start with a warm-up and introduction to the floor, followed by techniques, teaching of movement phrase, and practising of the phrase.

The workshop ends with a lovely stretch and relaxation. There will be time throughout for water breaks and chatting through what we're experiencing and learning.

What you get from this workshop

By the end of the workshop, you will have formed a new relationship with the floor, gained a greater understanding of the connection of muscles through your body and what muscles are working to complete movements, and a full phrase of floor movement to take away with you.

Who is this workshop for?

Previous dance experience is ideal but not essential, as ample time is given to learn movements and techniques. So whether you're a beginner in dance, or have done floor-work before, this workshop is for anyone and everyone.

As this workshop is taking place on the floor, you need to be able to get down to the floor and back up again comfortably, as well as feel comfortable while moving on the floor. If you have any knee/spine injuries/pain, please contact me before booking to check whether this workshop is for you.

Who will be teaching this workshop?

Nathan Krifdom is a dance teacher, choreographer, and performer, currently teaching in Brighton. A year after graduating uni in Dance and Choreography, he launched his dance teaching business.

Through his teaching he aims to connect people to their bodies in new ways, teach students to dance in a sustainable way; so their bodies stay healthy and happy for longer, bring new people into the exciting world of dance who may not have tried it before, and spark passion and joy in his students, as well as much more...

Nathan is also an Advanced Lvl 2 Reiki practitioner, and has been working with Reiki for over six years. This training in healing and energy influences his dance practice and teaching, adding another level of understanding about the body and mind connection.

More info on Reiki here: Nathan Krifdom Usui Reiki

Please book before attending


The Loft at Little Dippers

Please take a look at my ‘Teaching Locations’ page for info on location and arriving at The Loft. If the door is closed, please ring the bell and I will come let you in.

All classes/workshops must be booked 2.5 hours before the start time. If you would like to book after this window, please contact Nathan to confirm the class is running before booking. This is due to travel time to the studio.
Please book before attending.

Please read the disclaimer before attending disclaimer and important info

By attending my classes or workshops, you agree to take care of yourself. Please tell me immediately if any movements do not feel right for your body. You are expected to take responsibility for your own safety and I am not liable for any injury before, during, or after the class. Please do not attend if you have an existing injury that could be worsened by taking part. If you do attend with an injury, it is essential that you inform me at the beginning of the class.

At no point during a class will anyone pick up and throw another student through the air. If this does take place, then any injury incurred is the full responsibility of the participants and Krifdom Dance is not liable.

All under 16’s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

ktd hard colour big square

Info on Classes:

You’ve Got Rhythm!

Haven’t you?! If you don’t yet, you soon will! My classes work on your timing, musicality, and dynamics, as well as your physical fitness, allowing you to execute movements accurately. Together, we work creatively, recognising the potential to use dance for self-discovery and growth.

"Nathan is one of the most talented dancers I have ever met."
Headmaster of Performing Arts School

Nathan Krifdom

BA(Hons) Dance and Choreography - Falmouth, Adv 1 ISTD Tap.

Teacher / Dancer / Choreographer


Solo, group, video, stage…


Stage, site-specific, video…

Nathan’s class was a beautiful, welcoming and a safe introduction into improvisational dance. It felt incredibly rejuvenating and immersive, awakening my body and slowing down my mind.


Very enjoyable and personal. Felt my body working but not over-exhausting movements. Will feel the deeper core muscles ache. Really worked the brain!


Was a really enjoyable and open experience to a beginner in dance! Nathan was a great teacher and I would highly recommend

Sophy Green


Check out my history of work

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October 2023

Classes announced!

Teaching space announced

The Loft Brighton is a beautiful space for creativity and dance.

August 2023

Dance Space and Studios in Brighton and West Worthing

My doors are open. I want everyone to have the chance to feel the impact of dancing. I am currently teaching at The Loft at Little Dippers in Central Brighton. This location is easily accessible, offering a relaxed environment for concentration and learning. In the near future, I will be teaching at more spaces in Brighton and West Worthing, offering larger classes and workshops, providing you with more options to get involved and get dancing within the community!

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